These are some photos from about a week ago. I just remembered them haha.

It's the CBS building!

Los Angeles from afar

So my purse finally broke :( I have to find a replacement still, but this is no easy task in LA (lots of stores, but no good purses I can I miss TN lol).

This is the last house I stayed at near Larchmont Village. Great family, and a great location what more can you ask for?

There's a bakery on Larchmont called Brumbs and they have awesome black and white cookies.
I took Josh to my little LA spot and he got the grasshopper cupcake. Kiera had to work :(

A sign in the bathroom of the theatre...I thought it was funny :)

Josh, Megan, and I went to 3rd st. Promenade (I'm slowly collecting adventures from all over the city) in Santa Monica. There's a cool place there that sells a millions different types of beer. I got the Jewish beer :)

Then Josh and I went out to the Santa Monica Pier to check it out and they had a small carnival!
Bekah sent me a package!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It had a ton of small cereal boxes, some sour patch kids, and a mix cd that rocks :) I actually munched on some honey combs earlier today mmmmm.
I have a video of some indian dancing out at the Grove, but it wouldn't load. I'll try it again later, but I need to go to bed because I have work at 9 in the morning in Orange.
Hey! It's a post without me having to ask! That is a pretty cool sis you have... You have fun in Orange.