I hope everyone had a great 4th of July (even though the firework on Nashville were cancelled I'm sure you all found some fun things to do). As for me I went to Apple Valley with with the crew and watched the fireworks. It takes 1 1/2 hours to reach this place and google maps said it was in the middle of an in intersection with a dirt road (being from TN I didn't find it too strange to have to go off the beaten path, but whatever). Here's an overview of the event at the beginning, alot more people came later.
All the usual food was present; funnel cakes, hot dogs, shaved ice...mmmm. I got a briskett sandwich, but they were sneaky and put cole slaw on it (those who know me know that I don't do mayonnaise), but it was still tastey. There were children running around with brightly colored lips from the ice cones which was cute. Later on they all got light sabres and headbands that glow in the dark, yeah I was jealous. Anyway

Here's Kiera Voelker staring off into the crowd (dramatic profile shot). Just after this she commented on how this would be her first 4th without fireflies :( so we decided to check the trusty old Iphone for a firefly app. and behold!

If you can see the little green dots on the screen those are the fireflies! There really is an app for everything! Apparently fireflies never made it over the rockies :(
Then there were Firemen!!

I couldn't help it :) they had three trucks there to spray water in the air for artificial rain. They also dye the water red white and blue (not so cool since it also dyes your clothes, but whatever). Then...

Yep, that's a fire right next door, so they packed up and headed over...with the water still dyed :) we made jokes about turning a white house blue or red and laughed about it for a while. They returned in about half an hour, but we had gotten bored and headed back to our tent.
Earlier we had seen a booth that you could win fish at! You had to get a ping pong ball into this tiny fishbowl, but the girls were surprisingly good at it (I think beer pong has readied them for this moment). Here's the first fish, won by Jamie!

Meet Jackson! Kiera won 4 fishies, but she gave me one (yes mama I have a fish now). Here's Dennis Barack.

He's a sweety :)
We're going out in a minute to get them all bowls and food, so I'll just put up some other random photos from the evening.

The leaning tree (Megan)

Down stage part of the rig
Congrats on the new fish, but I don't think goldfish can live in nalgene bottles...