Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We'll call this Monday-Wednesday

Ok, so this is the second time I've had to write this post because my computer is being a jerk. Anyway, the basics of the story are that I had an internship in Toronto, but the Canadian government thwarted my plans and denied me a work permit. BUT because I have awesome friends I had another internship lined up within 24 hours of losing the first, but this time in Los Angeles, California. I am the lighting intern for The Rogue Machine Theatre which is in its second season and produces new works. I am staying with an awesome family for about 3 weeks and then will move into another lady's house to take care of her 2 dogs (or children as she calls them) while she is away. Since most of you may have seen the photos on facebook I'll start with this past Monday night and work from there.

I went with Josh and Kiera Voelker to Room5 to watch Bella Ruse (Joseph Barker's band) play. There were about 5 other artists who improved songs together and every so often paid tribute to Michael Jackson by playing a song of his in their own styles. Needless to say this concert was pretty much amazing and I think I have a Monday night ritual now. After the show we (Me, The Voelker's, and Bella Ruse) went to eat at Canter's, a famous Jewish deli where they serve free pickles :) (they used to have phones at all of the booths so that producers could work while they ate). We got to talking about stupid bets and somehow ended up betting Kay (lead singer of Bella Ruse) $5 and a piece of gum (and eventually the check) to drink about half a cup of melted butter...which she did like a champ. I have a video of it, but if it doesn't load here I'll post it on facebook, so check it out because it's worth it. Then we said our goodbyes and parted ways and thus was the end of Monday night.

Tuesday I went into work and did the maintenance on the gear we struck from the previous show. I ran into some... we'll call them issues with a few (and by a few I mean 1/2 of) the fixtures. Brace yourself,

It's a bit blurry and for those of you not familiar with wiring that is indeed the "hot" wire tied into the "ground" of the plug...yeah *shakes head*, but it gets even better...

Same plug, this is now the "Ground" wire (notice the thin strip of green swirling around it) tied into the "neutral". which only leaves room for the "neutral" wire to have been tied into the "hot"...

After this I thought "ok we're through the worst, I mean what else could be done to these things?" (Tip: never believe that something can't get worse because it will).

I had to pry this connector apart because it was melted together (btw, melted plastic stinks!). I have nothing else to say about this, I fixed it and said a small prayer for the mangled conector and let it R.I.P. in the garbage

I'm in the process of organizing what I have dubbed the "Electrics Loft" I find that if I give something a name I become slightly more attetched to it. Here is the work in progress...

It needs some pipes, a few places to hang the cable, maybe a poster or two and it'll be beautiful! Here's the "big" space

Anyway, time to move on to today! I woke up with a swollen eye :(

it hurts like a mug, so I tried to sleep it off which didn't work. After a while I decided to go to The Grove and the Farmer's Market on 3rd and Fairfax to maybe get some sun. I ate luch at the Mexican place called Loteria! reccomended by the youngest son of the family (16) I'm staying with (he wants to be a chef when he grows up).

The food was delicious! and that is papaya juice to the left.

I wandered around The Grove and took pictures of the water displays...
Then I went to see Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs in the theatre behind the water (it was pretty good). And now I am back in my room with my swollen eye dreaming about a black and white cookie from Crumb and about to watch yet another episode of 30Rock...oh yeah and work in the morning :) Sorry for the long post, but I had to catch up to today.

P.S. Celebrity spotting! I saw this guy--->
In Barnes and Noble. For those of you who don't know,
he plays Van on the sitcom Reba :)


  1. You know how I know you're in LA?

    The massive pile of 2k's.

  2. Okay, this is going to sound weird, but your eye looks a lot like a problem I have experienced MANY times. It's a chalazion (hope I spelled it correctly), and a non-antibiotic treatment that may give you relief is to place very warm washcloth compresses on your eyes 2-3 times a day. After each compress you should dip the end of a couple of q-tips in baby shampoo. Don't use another kind or you'll be sorry! Run a splash of water over the soapy end of the q-tip and gently scrub the cotton back and forth across the area where your lashed grow into your lids. Do tops and bottoms of both eyes even though only one eye seems afflicted. Use your cloth to clean the soapy bubbles away, and go about your day. If the irritation gets worse, you may need to check out an opthamologist. Mine prescribes Refresh artificial tears, which you can get over the counter pretty much anywhere here. She also puts me on minocycline and some eye ointment. It's not fun, but neither is suffering through a chalazion. Of course you could try drinking a cup of butter...that might be the L.A. remedy. Hope you feel better!
    Mother Brandon

  3. Wow! So excited Josh and Kiera suggested this and you are actually doing it! It will be fun to be a part of your days and nights...Love ya.

  4. Despite your logic of work = where you go, I still inherently questioned going to L.A. Now look at you, playing with booby traps, seeing okayish movies, and getting your eye hurt. These are signs Lizzard.
