We have just made it to previews for Rogue Machine Theatre's production of Treefall. It's a post apocalyptic play and is kind of...different. Anyway, here's the set and one of the lighting looks for it.

I went to the O.C. Super Fair with a group of friends and had a blast! Here are some of the little piggies :)

Weird Al made of sand! a question mark and an exclamation point rise up out of his head. We also went to a 3-D film about the human brain...yeah four adults were super excited to go watch this movie lol.

Josh and Kiera :)

One of the rides.

Ok so, Josh and Kiera got these Australian potatoes that are cut up and fried, drenched in fake cheese and you dip them in a pepper sauce...we're still not sure what part of that makes it Australian, but it had a flag in it! Josh left to go to the washroom and Steeve bet Kiera $5. Being the kind of woman she is she downed about five of those things before he got back...whoa! Josh was sad, but then he had $5 so it was ok haha.

This is Steeve and his demolished turkey leg.

Chad (the monitor guy for KC and the Sunshine Band) tries to help Kiera win the bet by having the margarita close by.

We got to see KC and the Sunshine Band play which was pretty much awesome. I thing Boogy Shoes is my new favorite song. I got to meet the lighting designer Lenny and the Prod. Manager and the monitor guy Chad. Anyway, with the ticket stubs we got to ride the ferris wheel for free! As we were sitting in the "gondola" we started to read the "rules" and one of them said not to deface the gondola (Josh thought it said defecate and Kiera told him that probably was not allowed either) I remembered I had a sharpie in m purse, so I decided to break the rules! I wrote Lizzy with a heart next to it and then offered the marker to the others, mistake. Steeve took it and wrote "your mom" next to my heart...thanks Steeve. Here's the photo proof of the vandalism. I am so LA

Breaking down KC's rig

Here's some video of the crazy guy (for some reason there's always one when we gather at large celebrations) He changed between 3 different shirts constantly and would sometimes use the black wife beater as a prop or as a hat...gotta love it!
Defacing probably a better choice over defecation!